Wing Structure
A feather alone flies away uncontrolled, while feathers together soar as a unified wing.
Star Citizen is a game of depth and breadth, and it will take many skillsets working in concert to achieve the greatest goals. Vanguard is divided into Wings that specialize in building up knowledge and expertise in their respective mechanics.
Frontier Wing
Frontier Wing has three primary roles categorized by group. The first of these is the ability to provide safe and reliable transportation of organizational assets such as personnel, vehicles and other cargo, this is done by Transport Group.
The second is conducting profitable trade in various commodities including our own mined raw materials across the ‘verse as well as offering passenger services, this all falls to Commerce Group.
Finally, to establish and manage facilities and outposts that expand Vanguard’s influence throughout the ‘verse, this is the responsibility of Homestead Group. Together, they form the logistical backbone that enables the success of our organization’s every endeavor.
Industries Wing
Industries Wing provides Vanguard with important raw resources to conduct our operations. Minerals, salvage, and fuel are all important, and indeed critical, to do anything from scientific experiments to fueling our combat forces.
Miners that vary from the zero-g ‘naked’ worker to massive Orion ships gather common and rare resources for sale or use.
Meanwhile salvage teams from one person to dozens, devour wrecks discovered by Initiative pathfinders or created by our Security brethren.
And Fuel group cannot be forgotten, as it is the one that provides not only credits for Vanguard coffers, but the lifeblood of every ship in our fleet.
Initiative Wing
Initiative Wing is responsible for duties that require, well, initiative. Foremost among these is surveying ahead of Vanguard to identify both danger and points of interest for the other Wings.
Exploring the identified points of interest and further cataloguing, physically, those areas. Using science to both further study scientific anomalies along with working on technological discoveries to provide Vanguard with an edge. Finally, conduct data running operations as a courier for clients or obtain data for sale elsewhere.
MedTech Wing
MedTech Wing is the group of Vanguardians that keep both the personnel and the vehicles of space and ground healthy and strong. They can fix/repair/replace what is necessary to get things moving; man or machine.
MedTech has places for those that prefer to work in combat situations as well as those focused on more peaceful pursuits. It’s not all about fixing things either - Technical staff operate our systems, from ship shields to drone operation, and make sure our ships have the supplies they need for a successful voyage.
Security Wing
Security Wing has a burden upon it but those who join usually relish the opportunity to show their skill. Security, first and foremost, handles the defense of Vanguard operations and the protection of our assets.
Protection does not always mean defense; sometimes taking the fight to the enemy is required. Both bounty hunting and pirate hunting are conducted by this Wing, to provide safety for the organization or added profit through the hiring out of those services.
Command Wing
The final wing is Command Wing, the administrative and executive heart of Vanguard. The plans for the present and future of Vanguard as a whole will come from this Wing but the other units of Vanguard will be able to provide input on their needs and desires for what and where Vanguard should go and do while each Wing’s leaders independently run day-to-day.
This is not a Wing that can be joined but rather you are nominated into it by the Vanguard Leadership Board. Command also has a unique organization because of its overarching needs.