1) Real Life First
The vast majority of members have families and a real life, and we firmly believe that keeping these things before gaming is the best way to go. Never feel bad, and never put anyone down, for having to take care of real life.
2) Drama free zone
Most of us graduated high school years ago. Leave the teen drama in the school halls. Drama will not be tolerated.
3) Positivity or the highway
Negativity is a plague that can take over with even the slightest infiltration. Any negative members have got to go. We’re not expecting fluffy bunnies and rainbows 24/7, but don’t be a debbie-downer!
4) Be respectful
Treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Treat all your fellow members and our allies with respect. Vanguard recommends that race, gender, preferences, religion, and politics are not to be discussed. Above all, conversations must always be respectful.
5) No Jerks allowed
Being a jerk is not acceptable. We won’t accept jerks as clients, vendors, or members. We will never be jerks. Life’s too short.
6) Always go above the call of duty
Never accept “good enough” for yourself. Do the best for yourself and your organization. This ideal should be lived and remembered every day!
7) We Play The Game We Have
The game is still being built, right beneath our feet. Stay up to date with the current mechanics, learn how things work, and embrace changes as they come. Plan for the future, but be well familiar with the present, and make the most of it.
8) Together We Soar
Star Citizen is a massively collaborative game, and it will take many people working in concert to achieve most things. While our Wings are responsible for building our understanding of and expertise in their respective disciplines, all Vanguard members are encouraged to experience the game in as many ways as they like, and no role will ever be limited to membership within a single Squadron, Group, or Wing.
Conflict Resolution
The goal of the Prime Directive is to keep Vanguard a safe and fun space for all of our members. If you ever have a problem with the game, Vanguard, or an individual member, do not hesitate to reach out to our Officers or our Fleet Marshalls. We will work towards a mutual resolution. We know “it’s only game”, but relationships with members means relationships with real people. Treat each other with respect and expect to receive the same. We all want to have fun after all!