The ‘verse can be a disordered, dangerous place. Vanguard Security Wing works to keep that discord in check, and helps each and every member of the Org, feel safer, stronger, and freer to pursue their goals.
As such our motto is; Victoriae per ferrum et sanguis.
“Victory through iron and blood” An acknowledgement that while the goals of Vanguard are lawful and pure, they are only attainable so long as we maintain the will and power to secure that vision.
Security’s mission is to train, maintain, and deploy forces capable of the full spectrum of combat operations required to defend Vanguard members and assets; and to suppress or eliminate piracy, Vanduul, and terrorism in all areas where we operate. This is in support of the overall Vanguard mission of bringing Light and Law to the edges of unexplored space.
Security Academy
Upon joining the Wing, you will be introduced to our academy. Here you will learn the baseline skills to work with fellow security and Vanguard members. You may have some of the skills or knowledge already, but the goal is equal parts education and climatizing you to how we work together.
Once you graduate, you will then move on to join a unit or our garrison.
These are the active and deployed units of Vanguard that make up the core of our organization. There are many opportunities to find a unit that you mesh with and has your play style. Everything from Ground-based deployments, Multi-crew combat and competitive level dogfighting and FPS - there is a unit for you.
Once you join that unit, the wing will support the training you need along with your growth and development.
If you are not ready to commit to a unit, you will join our garrison, where you can take part of the community until you are ready to commit to a unit and deploy actively within the organization.
Change and adaptability
The game is always changing - we should follow suit. An open mind to change and better methods should be the core of what makes us successful. As we adapt, we will grow in our skill and ability to engage against enemies within the ‘verse. Keeping an open mind to those around us who have ideas and methods that can help us grow - regardless of rank, is a core part of Security.
Competitive Professionalism
Games can be frustrating and losing is never fun, but adopting the attitude that progress is gained when lost or won is the key to success. We cannot always be the best, but as we strive to be OUR best, we grow together. Cheer when we win, be graceful when we don’t - there are lessons to be learned in every case.
Preparation is the first step to success
Do your part to be prepared for events, respectful of other members’ time and efforts to create events. Do your part to be timely and educated on what is required for an event, training or battle. Train before you need it, ask questions before the bullets fly and practice with your team.
Wing Commander - Cobra174
Wing Officers:
Wing Officers: