Enlisted Ranks
TALON - The first group of rankings in Vanguard is the Talon grouping. Here, your goals are to learn and grow as a member. An initial member will be an eye-less Talon Recruit, indicated by the rank \ /. Upon completing basic training, they will earn their eye, join their Wing, and be a certified member of Vanguard. A Talon Hoplite has gone through their Wing specific training, and is continuing to learn and master their role. Finally, the Talon Adepts have mastered their place as a generalist within their Wing. Many Vanguard members may spend the remainder of their career here, and can be proud of that fact.
Beyond TALON, a Vanguard member’s path splits in two possible directions
RAPTOR - A Raptor has chosen to specialize, and to become the master of a given skill. Whether they are training to be a Master Helmsman, an Elite Sniper, or an Engineering Genius, they have dedicated themselves to become the best of the best.
MASTER - A Master has chosen to pass their training on to others, and to take on the responsibility of other members as a leader. Claw Masters are responsible for the coordination and growth of the Talons reporting to them, while a Lance Master helps to coordinate the Claw Masters below them. A Master who has served with distinction may be granted the rank of Senior Master, and will often be seen as an embedded leader in Command Lances, leading units of Elite members. As the highest non-senior leadership position, Senior Master is the highest rank achievable by our Affiliate members.
The bridge between our Officers and our Enlisted
CHIEF - A Chief is a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, and the highest ranking a Vanguard member can elevate to in the Enlisted rankings. They serve as the right hand of their corresponding Officer to lead large groups of members. Members must have Vanguard as their Primary organization to be eligible for Chief ranks, as it is a senior leadership position.
commissioned Ranks
CAPTAIN - The Captains are our Junior Commissioned Officers, and drive our Academies, our Certification Development, and our Units.
COMMANDER - Captains report directly to the Commanders, who oversee operations for the entire Wing. Commanders operate at one level of remove, focusing on overall strategy, advocating for their Wing’s interests, and collaborating with each other and the Marshals to determine how to reach Vanguard’s long term goals.
MARSHAL - Marshal is the highest level attainable rank. The Three Marshals form the core of the Vanguard Leadership Council, and are the overseers of the entire organization at a strategic level.
WARDEN - The Wardens are our Founders, and hold responsibility for the Identity and Mission of Vanguard as a whole. If the Marshals are our Legislative Body, the Wardens are our Executive, holding the power to step in and course correct when they see us moving away from our ideals. MasonStonewall is our Star Warden, and keeper of our Lore. And SpaceHarvest is our Prime Warden, and the strongest voice of reason in the organization.