Welcome to Vanguard!
We are a team of members that are passionate about Star Citizen. We accept all players that share our goals and interests, both casual and hard core. Vanguard believes in the rule that real life comes first, and will never tell you to put the organization over your real life, job, and certainly not over your family.
We are a non-exclusive organization. While we’d love it if you want Vanguard to be your primary home, affiliates are welcome.
Members are allowed to do as they please – with the exception of piracy against law abiding players. Leadership reserves the right to blacklist organizations, or prohibit affiliate or primary membership in an organization if that membership poses a security risk to Vanguard.
Want to learn more about us? Here are some useful links to get a feel for what we do.
If you’re interested in Joining, pop over to our Discord! Make sure to put a link to your RSI Dossier in the #rsi-handles channel. You should also click the button below to visit our RSI page, and click the Join Us Now button.
A member of our Onboarding team should reach out to right away! You can also reach them in the #onboarding channel
Must have and use Discord
Must have a headset or microphone for voice communications; If you do not have a microphone, you will not be allowed to join Vanguard or voice channels on the Vanguard discord
May not be a member of a pirate or griefing organization
Must be at least 18
Must not cause drama
Affiliates are welcome, but some rank restrictions will apply
Once your application is approved, you’ll be granted the rank of Talon Recruit \ /.
Congratulations and welcome! You’re officially a Vanguard Recruit!
Your Time as a Talon Recruit \ /
As a fresh Talon Recruit, you’ll be enrolled in our Vanguard Recruit Orientation, which is broken down into two sections
Vanguard 101
The first part of our VRO covers Vanguard’s History, Policies, Structure, and our Certification system. You’ll learn about the organization through the website here.
Intro to Star Citizen
The second part of our VRO covers the basics of Star Citizen. If you’re new to the game, it’s time to get your space-legs. Our “Intro To” series of certifications covers everything from the game’s interface and options through making your way around and surviving in the `verse.
Already have a handle on things? Fantastic! All of our Intro certifications can be tested out of. Still struggling? We’ll get you up to speed on the fundamentals you need to get into the game and start doing things. We’ll help you learn how to operate your ship, get around the ‘verse, run missions, and put your hard earned aUEC to work!
Certification & Choosing A Wing
During your first week with us, you’ll be unaffiliated with a Wing. We encourage you to interact with members of different Wings, chat on the discord, and hop into the game with other members. If you can, join in on one of our Events for a fun time!
At any point after your first week and completion of the Vanguard Recruit Orientation, you can pledge the Wing of your choice, at which point you’ll become a Talon Cadet and continue your onboarding in one of our Wing Academies.
We ask that you choose a Wing within the first month of active play with us. If you need to take a break from the game for any reason before that happens, don’t worry, we’ll be here for you when you’re back.
How to Choose a Wing
Choosing a Wing doesn’t limit you. A Security member can do trade runs, an Initiative member can break rocks in a Prospector, and a MedTech member who spends their time treating wounds can spend an evening blowing up fighters.
Most of our members have a broad appreciation of the game, in its current and planned form, and we plan to experience as much of it as possible.
A Wing isn’t a statement of “this is the only thing I know how to do”, or “this is the only job I can do with the ships I have.” We are happy to teach you anything, and the organization has access to every ship in the game. Choosing a Wing, then, is a statement of what you’re passionate about, what you’re excited for, or what you want to excel at.
Of course, if you only want to do one thing, that’s fine too!
Earning Your Feathers & Choosing Your Units
For the next month of playing with us, you should get to know the folks in your Wing, its values, and the roles it performs. Run missions with your Wing-mates, chat with your Officers, and ask any questions.
Your wing mates are here to help you learn the basics of working with your Wing. If you need help getting up to speed on some more specific mechanics, they provide a guided way to give you the skills you need to be effective. Training Operations are run regularly, and will give you plenty of opportunities to learn new skills or use the ones you already have.
Want to focus on a specific skill? Let an Officer know! They’ll be more than happy to make sure it gets covered in an upcoming event, or else make sure you have the resources available to learn.
Once you’ve been with us a month, spent some time mingling with folks, and have demonstrated your knowledge of the Wing and the skills needed to perform effectively by graduating your Wing Academy, you’ll be eligible for a promotion to Talon Hoplite -\ ∶ /-. Your Wing’s leadership will reach out to you and you will also be eligible to enroll in Vanguard’s Units.
Our Units cover every area of the game, and every way to play, giving members an easy way to join up with folks interested in different parts of the Star Citizen experience.
Vanguard Units
The Wing you joined will not limit what Units you can join, and not being in a Unit doesn’t limit your casual play, but Units provide training and open opportunities to get involved in large scale operations and events. Units, like Wings, are a way for you to communicate your interests and area of expertise, so don’t feel like you’re cutting off options.
If real life issues arise while working through your Wing Academy and you need to disappear for a bit, please let your Commander or one of your Captains know.
Feel like you made the wrong decision when you chose your Wing? Reach out to your Officer and we’ll work with you to get you reassigned to the best Wing for you.
What’s Next?
Once you’ve been promoted to Talon Hoplite -\ ∶ /-, nothing else is required of you to participate in organization Operations. You are a fully fledged member of Vanguard, in perpetuity!
For folks who want to continue honing their skills, we have operations that provide more focused skill training targets specific to your Units. Feel free to pursue any of your individual skill goals, or participate in training operations, to learn how to be more effective in a variety of roles. You’re also always welcome and encouraged to get certifications from other Wings and join other Units to build your ability in other areas of interest.
Ranks and Certifications
Our Certifications are a way to learn the skills you need to excel at Star Citizen, and at high level Organization play, and our Ranking system helps us organize large number of players to be carry out complex plans.
Want to fly a Vanguard Kraken during a massive battle? Yearning to operate a Pioneer to build an org-funded installation? Work with your Commanding Officer to train your skills!
Our Certifications only come into play for Vanguard Operations. Vanguard will never place any restrictions on members using their own ships to play the game their way.
Our organization is structured like a large company, and there are lots of roles to fill. Interested in leadership? Volunteer to command a small team when the opportunity arises in a training operation. Want to be recognized as the best Explorer in the org? Spend some time tackling some of our Advanced and Expert certifications. Just want to log on every once in a while, take in the sights, and know you’ve got a bunch of players who have your back? That’s totally fine as well.
Everyone at Vanguard is welcome to enjoy the game however they want, both inside and out of it. Be as involved as you want to be, engage as much as want to engage, and train as hard as you want to train, you belong and we are happy to have you.