Ship Specific Problems
Reference for game version 3.10
General Ship Problems:
Players are using an exploit that allows them to enter ships by climbing onto the landing gear when deployed and waiting for you to retract the gear. This can enable them to clip into the interior of the ship when the gear is fully retracted. This has been tested on the MISC Freelancer series and the Origin 600 series in 3.9.
Entering ships and vehicles that are stowed aboard a transport ship during QT has a chance of making all stowed vehicles disappear. 3.9
Entering a ship from EVA can cause ejection, broken limbs, or death. 3.9
Various ships have static assets that have bugged collision meshes that can cause your character to become stuck and unable to recover. 3.9
Variable armor values have returned to ships. 3.10
Ships and Vehicles will no longer damage themselves when firing their EMP Weapons. 3.10
Weapon lockers on the 890j, Constellation series, Vanguard Sentinel, and Carrack should now persist weapons when the ship is stored and retrieved. 3.10
Requesting ATC takeoff before entering your ship may cause take-off splines to not appear. (Workaround: Request takeoff after entering your cockpit and powering on your ship). 3.10m POSSIBLY FIXED IN 3.10o
Moving slowly into a Restricted Area can cause the player's vehicle to get stuck, with the autopilot having seized control but not actually moving anywhere. 3.10m
Attempting to take off or land at Area18 via splines destroys the player's ship. (Workaround: Please avoid this area for this build and recopy/reset your account if you are in this location already) 3.10n POSSIBLY FIXED IN 3.10p
When firing at AI ships they will appear to desync and have high packet loss. 3.10p
Ships can be displayed as 'unknown' after destruction and be available to spawn again, but will not appear on their specified landing pad. 3.10p
Player’s ships are destroyed shortly after flying into a Restricted Area / Zone around the spaceport after leaving a hangar. 3.10p
Landing gear will take multiple presses of the keybind to activate. 3.10p
Security scans won't recognize the drugs on board a players ship during the Drug Production run missions. 3.10p
The Ship Hologram / 3D Model will take over 20 seconds to load the first time the player views one in VMA or the Arena Commander Menus. 3.10p
The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport. 3.10p
Legally landed ships may be impounded. 3.10p
Freelook does not always work properly in turrets. 3.10p
Turrets frequently do not have atmosphere. 3.10n
Drop seats are not accessible.
Gravity generator is missing animation
Chow hall table is missing.
There are areas of invisible collision preventing players from using the catwalk elevators. 3.9
The catwalk elevators are also inaccessible from the inside. 3.9
Ladders can still grab your character as you walk by and can be very annoying. 3.9
Starfarer top turret retains the default paint after new paint is applied. POSSIBLY FIXED IN 3.10p
The bottom deck of this ship still has locations missing collision that can allow players to clip through the hull and exit the ship. 3.9
Lighting is very buggy on the Starfarer as of with many areas of the ship being completely dark or lacking textures. 3.9
The PC2 gimbal mounts on Starfarers do not converge correctly.
Parts of this ship extend beyond the shields allowing the ship to take direct damage from weapons (also known as shield holes). 3.9
There is an area of invisible collision along the starboard side of the escape pod room (immediately aft of the cockpit). It is possible to get stuck behind this collision if you move too far to the starboard side in this room. Workaround: Stay in the center or port side when transiting this room. 3.9
The exterior catwalk door is missing. 3.10m
The Starfarer Gemini should no longer spawn with the interior damage state active while the ship is at full health. 3.10
Players are unable to access the jump seats. 3.9
The ship is prone to being destroyed easily due to weak hull health/shielding. 3.9
LOD issues have caused interior rendering problems since 3.6.
Issues where players have been injured or killed when entering or exiting doors and/or climbing the ladder have been reported.
This cargo variant only has 2 SCU of cargo space and no Quantum Drive. In it’s current state, it has little to no value in cargo operations until further game play mechanics are implemented.
The ship sometimes explodes suddenly and after respawning.
The ship can occasionally spawn with no components, engines or weapons.
The ship tends to be front heavy on launch.
The ship overheats during standard operation in atmosphere.
Reliant Variants:
The small amount of SCU space limits profitability during commodity trading. More money can be made doing cargo delivery missions in the Contract Manger app of your mobiglas. 3.9
Currently the Tana can spawn with a static gun in the corridor to the pilot chair. this can be worked around by goin prone underneath it but you can get stuck on the other side. 3.9
Life support systems sometimes do not work. This has been experienced in both the Reliant Tana & Mako. 3.9
Boxes placed on the cargo floor can fall through. Placing the boxes on the bed or copilot seat can often be a work-around for this issue. 3.9
Unable to exit either Pilot or Co-Pilot seat unless landing gear is down. 3.9
Logging out in the Tana causes you to log back in with the ship in flight mode; blocking you from the cockpit.
Ground textures can occasionally appear inside the ship.
300 Variants:
Cargo ramps may not close properly with small boxes loaded. 3.9
Only the 300i and 315p have enough cargo space to make small scale cargo runs profitable. 3.9
Cargo boxes that can be loaded into the cargo bay and closed are despawning after QT.
Ground textures can occasionally appear inside the ship.
Snow/Wind particle effects can appear inside the ship.
Mustang Alpha:
The small amount of SCU space is not conducive to profitable trade. More money can be made doing cargo delivery missions in the contract manger app of your mobiglas.
Due to bug that causes the UI not to appear when interacting with the ship’s door, players have occasionally had problems entering this ship after spawning it.
The ship can often overheat shortly after taking-off.
Mustangs are no longer able to equip larger than intended quantum drives. 3.10
Cutlass Variants:
Animations for entering/exiting the bed can occasionally cause a sync issue and result the player being ejected from the ship and into space.
Top turret lacks exterior textures and appears completely black.
The Cutlass Reds ICU beds can currently act as mobile spawn points.
Cargo space is much more limited in the Red and Blue variants.
Quantum destinations are “Obstructed” if another player is in the cockpit area with the pilot. Workaround: Have players remain in the cargo area or turret when attempting to QT. 3.9
The side doors of the Cutlass Black has the vault mechanic activated to enable players to enter the ship from the ground when ramp access is not desired/possible. However, it is currently EXTREMELY difficult to engage this animation in order to enter the ship via the side doors. 3.9
There are still holes in shields that allow the ship to take full damage to the hull when its shields are still healthy.
Animations for entering/exiting the bed can occasionally cause a sync issue and result the player being ejected from the ship and into space.
The controls for the Front Cargo/Side Cargo Doors are bugged. If the interior controls are used to open these doors, only the interior controls or the main cockpit controls will close them; the exterior controls will have no effect. Vice versa for the exterior controls.
Weapons changed from 4x size 2 (with size 1 installed) to 2x size 3 (with size 2 installed). 3.10
Turrets updated to be 2x size 4 (manned) and 1x size 3 (remote). 3.10
Glass dirt/wear pass to help with pilot visibility. 3.10
The ship is still occasionally pushed against the hangar wall at Lorville by the wind. 3.10
Caterpillar Pirate and Best In Show both have missing or misaligned textures inside the ship. 3.10
Caterpillar can spawn in missing cargo door textures. 3.9
Caterpillar can get into a state where it’s available SCU can be less than it’s actual capacity. Workaround: Claiming the ship should reset the value. 3.9
Constellation Variants:
These ships are no longer as easy to kill as they once were, but the engine nacelles are still fairly easy to shoot off. This disables the ship, making the kill inevitable. 3.9
The Constellation series has a cargo ramp, but vehicles loaded aboard the ramp fall through as the elevator lifts them. Having a player stay in the vehicle as it is being lifted seems to be a work-around. 3.9
Players have reported that they can fall through the hull onto the landing pad/elevator when attempting to enter/exit the bridge. 3.9
The Turrets are a weak spot as if they are made of paper. 2 shots hit a turret and the thing was already in the red. 3.9
Size two (shoulder mounted) missiles are difficult to lock onto target. 3.9
Retractable table does not function.
Snub fighter does not deploy.
Freelancer Variants:
Freelancer can be missing navigation lights and toggling the ship lights only controls some of the decal lighting on the top of the ship.
The PC2 gimbal mounts on Freelancers does not converge correctly.
Freelancer DUR: The engines shut down and become unresponsive when hydrogen fuel reaches 50%. The ship will continue to have power but engines are dead. 3.9
Using the ladder can occasionally put your character inside the hull or outside of the ship. 3.9 POSSIBLY FIXED IN 3.10o
Players can get stuck in the Freelancer bunks by walking into them. POSSIBLY FIXED IN 3.10p
Aurora Variants:
Recently, a door glitch can cause the player to die upon entering and exiting the ship.
Aurora LX: Is having an issue with the seat disappearing on the 1st quantum or anytime after that. Once that happens the seat is missing and you are standing in a dead ship and it it happens in atom you are in an Aurora shaped lawn dart and boom. 3.9
Avenger Titan:
There continues to be an LOD culling issue that can cause ship components, lights, doors and parts of the hull disappear when entering/exiting the ship.
There continues to be a graphical issue where the cargo hold may visually appear to be empty even though cargo/ASOP terminals recognize that there is cargo onboard.
MFD’s within the ship’s cockpit can fail to display information correctly.
Intermittent Canopy issue where it opens/closes in flight sometimes launching you into space in quantum when it opens. 3.9
600i Variants:
Vehicles loaded aboard the 600i Explorer cargo ramp are currently falling through as they are being lifted into the ship. Having a player remain in the vehicle as the vehicle is being opened/closed is the current work-around for this issue.
The elevators in these ships occasionally have a synch issue that can cause them to clip through the ship and fail to work as intended.
There is currently a bug that can cause most doors within the ship to stop functioning for everyone aboard unless the pilot selects “Unlock Doors” from the cockpit. The downside to this is that this unlocks the ship for everyone in the server.
Elevator doors can be slow to open or not function at all. Also, there is a bug that allows players to walk through the elevator door at the top floor when exiting the elevator.
Missing atmosphere on many sections of the ship. 3.9
Players will no longer become trapped in the Origin 600i kitchen table after sitting down and standing up from one of the kitchen chairs. 3.10
Various parts of the ship (most notably the underside) sometimes have holes in the shield that allow enemies to cause significant damage to the hull despite shields being healthy.
Players have occasionally reported becoming stuck in turrets and the copilot seat.
Doors sometimes become unresponsive, notably the entrance to the bridge.
Like with the constellation series, players can sometimes fall through the hull when the ship is on a landing pad.
Hammerhead atmospheric entry effects are clipping through interior of the ship. 3.10p
Ambient audio is too loud in certain areas of the ship. 3.10
F7C Hornet:
This base model variant has only 2 SCU of cargo space that cannot be accessed to do delivery missions from the Contract Manager in the mobiglas. 3.9
Cockpit will open randomly. 3.9
The landing gear can occasionally cause the ship to move erratically. 3.9
There is still a tiny gap between the cargo elevator and each floor. If you are walking slow enough, there is a possibility of falling down the elevator shaft. 3.9
Flight control of the ship can be difficult when operating at locations with significant gravity. 3.10
The lack of salvage game play coupled with the high fuel costs to operate this ship, makes it a poor choice for most current applications (though it is cool to fly just for fun). 3.10
Beds in the crew quarters can be closed via an interaction prompt. However, this will cause the player to become stuck in the bed. 3.10
Captain's Bed in the Aegis Reclaimer should now have proper interaction. 3.10m
Cargo elevator has no collision when called the first time. Workaround: Call the elevator a second time. Collision will be fixed.
Crew bathroom has “ReplaceMe” textures that get fixed and show back up in the next patch.
890 Jump:
The SCU amount displayed for the 890’s cargo capacity is incorrect. 3.9
890J possible to cause severe damage to ships on the hangar pad by messing with the open/close door function and the call/send elevator button. 3.9
You can crush landed ships by sending the elevator up and then closing the door. 3.9
you can get stuck in the "airlock room" between the hangar and the hallways. If both doors close, you're stuck in there. 3.9
The ROC clips through the elevator floor when attempting to load it into the ship. 3.10p
Players can get trapped in the airlock doors leading to the hangar bay if they are inside and other players are nearby, just outside the doors.
The turrets in the Carrack will stop working while in a group with other players. 3.9
Using the port-side airlock is currently the best way to enter the Carrack from EVA. 3.9
Carrack has pockets of extra loud ambient audio throughout the ship. 3.10m
Has a glitch where sometimes if someone leaves the game while sitting in one of the mining chairs the chair will become unusable. 3.9
Moles ladder sometimes glitches, you have a 50/50 chance of life and death when going down the front turret. 3.9
Vanguard Variants:
Players are unable to access the jump seats in the Vanguard Hoplite. 3.9
Cannot access Weapons MFD in cockpit. 3.10p