It is the mission of the Vanguard Security Fleet to ensure safe freedom of movement, trade, and operations for Vanguard members. This is achieved by maintaining a dominant space combat force capable of inflicting decisive strikes anywhere in the ‘verse, ensuring effective deterrence against even the most dangerous threats.
Our motto De Profundis ad Astra, “from the depths to the stars,” honors the ancient traditions of naval power projection, and promises our enemies and allies alike the Vanguard Fleet boldly operates in all domains, from the heart of human civilization to the dark edges of unexplored space.
Fleet members should:
1) Be informed of current Vanguard operational procedures
2) Work to improve their skills through both independent and group training
3) Maintain a standard of readiness for their equipment and vessels
4) Be prepared to defend themselves and Vanguard members whenever in the ‘verse
5) Appropriately represent Vanguard publicly by following the Officer Code of Conduct
6) Eat Steel and Piss Vinegar.
Fleet is divided into three subgroups, called Divisions, each with their own expertise. A Fleet Member’s placement in a Division reflects their desire to focus on a specific discipline. While members will often be called to fill different roles across the Fleet, Security, or the organization at large, the following Divisions are dedicated to the mastery of their respective interests.
Aerospace Combat Escort (A.C.E.)
The A.C.E. Division includes all small and solo combat vessels, and their crews.
Speed. Precision. Readiness.
Aerospace Combat Escort Division, or ACE for short, is Fleet’s primary defense and offense against small and medium ships and torpedoes. These brave fighter pilots rely on individual skill and lightning-fast reflexes to eliminate threats to Vanguard civilian and security vessels. ACE pilots also operate torpedo bombers and other strike craft. These big game hunters coordinate with Fleet commanders to inflict maximum devastation on enemy warships, delivering precision knockout punches and waves of punishing blows .
The Navy Division includes command, helm, and gunnery crews for large and capital combat vessels.
Teamwork. Force projection. Firepower.
Navy Division personnel work side by side with operatives from Med-Tech, Frontier, and Industries to ensure the massive vessels of Vanguard’s Fleet are ready to brawl toe-to-toe with even the most powerful opponents at a moment’s notice. Navy members are responsible for manning ships weapons, coordinating shipboard defence, helming combat vessels, and coordinating with the overarching Fleet to deploy awe inspiring firepower against any who seek to challenge Vanguard.
Fireteam Leads
Fireteam Leads are the commanding officer for a four-six person claw of fighters, bombers, or ships crew. Although they command the smallest unit in the fleet, their role is one of the most important, as the success of an operation may hinge on their adaptability and leadership under fire. Claws are often created ad-hoc with whatever personnel may be available and may persist or be dissolved as needed.
Sections Leads
Section Leads are the commanding officer for a group of multiple claws of fighters, bombers, or ships crew. Whether one fighter pilot in a group of twelve, or the captain of a small capital vessel, their focus will be to ensure their claws work together, execute maneuvers ordered by their superiors, and to make sure any needs are communicated upwards. Lances are sometimes created ad-hoc with whatever personnel may be available and may persist or be dissolved as needed.
Ship Captains
Ship Captains are responsible for coordinating the crew of their entire ship. This position is used when multiple claws or lances must be combined to manage a large or capital ship; the command structure will differ from ship to ship. Ship Captain is a long-term assignment, and ship crews will be kept intact unless member availability prohibits it.
Task Force Commanders
Task Force Commanders are the operational leaders of a task force, coordinating the various ships, lances, and squadrons that make up a fully functioning fleet. These are typically senior NCO’s and commissioned officers sourced from all wings and are deployed by Fleet Group HQ to fulfil campaign-level objectives. They order combat operations, manage logistical coordination, and handle requisition and attachment requests from other wings, escalating them as needed to Fleet HQ. This is usually a long-term assignment and will persist for the duration of the existence of the task force.