

Advise and Inspire

What is Premiere?

”If we did our job right, you did not see us.”

If it involves interacting with large numbers of people, Premiere will be there. Public Relations Group handles contact for recruitment, peace, or publicity. Human Resources deals with the inner workings of Vanguard. Event Promotion uses contests, tours, or streamed news for fame & fortune.

Our Goals: Composed of three main groups, Public Relations, Human Resources, and Event Planning, our job in Premiere Wing is three-fold. We act as a glue between the Wings, ensuring smooth Operations and a unified approach when dealing with internal and external matters. Importantly we also function as the primary content creation directors for the ORG and provide the leadership with intelligence and counsel concerning Recruitment, Promotion, Diplomacy, and overall Group Play.

Human Resources, Representative Group, And Event Promotion

Our members know that they can always come to Premiere Wing with any issues if their own leadership or the Fleet Marshal's cannot assist. Our Organization allows anybody to join. Every Wing recruits through their own network. Premiere still goes out of the way to find the right people for the right job. This is why we are allowed to have multiple Organizations as affiliates. Our Wing focuses on alliance-building, networking, and joining other Organizations where we understand that there is mutual reciprocity. The Organizational Infrastructure was theorized by every member and Wing in the early days. As VNGD has grown, Premiere has taken over most regular maintenance, including the support of this website. Our group continues to advise the leadership and aid in the day to day needs of our group.

Human Resources


The true glue that keeps Vanguard both together and moving in a strange paradox. Administration manages our website, promotion processing, and a myriad of other necessary evils that come with running a large organization.

Orientation Services

Human resources are responsible for first contact with new recruits. Starting with a message to private message to help them find the website. Premiere's Orientation is like no other where you have someone help you get started, giving you a welcoming talk that covers the most basic rules. The Talon assessment helps people figure out what Wing they wish to be part of. Premiere is also responsible for the placement of each person as they begin their journey with Vanguard.

Human resources are the ones who search through the records and logs looking for lost personal, hoping to make contact, bringing them back to us. If they have moved on and no longer wish to be a part of Vanguard, we remove old records updating the logs of active members. By keeping up with this off-boarding, we keep our active players to the front allowing us to concentrate and use our resources wisely.

Public Representative Group

Outreach Operations

Reaching out into the Verse, this is the team that manages the image of Vanguard and recruits new personnel. If you fully support Vanguard, especially its ideals and direction, and like to mingle and market, join us in Outreach Operations.


Are you an explorer at heart? Do you love meeting new people and going new places? Have you ever dreamed of jumping in your spaceship, papers in hand to go out and meet the Verse? Are you good at making yourself clearly understood and listening? Do you have nerves of steel? These are the very qualities that will be needed for a Diplomat of Vanguard. New Faces and Strange Places! Join the Diplomatic Corp of Vanguard today!

Here are the skillful negotiators, first contact specialists, and speakers of Xi’an and Banu. Diplomacy is their specialty and they handle both Vanguard issues as well as hire their services out to outside clients. 

Dignitary Protection

The Dignitary Protection Squadron, a unit within Premiere that hold skills most would deem polar opposites, or even ironic. Their primary duty of being dedicated to diplomacy and peace is served by being ready to use violence and the tools of war. They are charged with protecting the VIP guests of the Vanguard organization or those that hire our services for VIP tours or events. Yet they are also required to be skilled negotiators and capable valets to serve the needs of any visiting dignitary they are protecting.

These "Plum Paladins" can look the part of a holo-vid action star, both in profile and action. Dignified while guarding those they protect, they will respond with righteous wrath upon those that endanger their charges. Trained heavily by Security (many are ex-security), those in Dignitary Protection Squadron need to know how to handle combat and transportation to do their one duty - protect the asset. On the other side, conversation, etiquette, and protocol, plus skillful negotiation, can hopefully prevent any incident from turning ugly.


“Those who say it cannot be done shouldn’t disturb those who are doing it”, dixit G.B.Shaw





Vanguard Verse News

Vanguard Verse News


Creative Direction

We recruit,

We keep the peace,

We are envoys in service of DracoHardt and Vanguard,

We thrive when we ensure Vanguard's ability to remain hospitable,

We want to foster creative development within the Star Citizen community and the gaming community at large,

We are the front door of VNGD. All are welcome.

Premiere focuses on the creative direction in the ORG whenever and wherever possible. Making content is fun! Come and join when we make videos and you will quickly see how much fun Machinima can be.


Former Leader of Premiere.