Monthly Forum
Notes Taken by TheAlexi posted on Discord (04/25/2021)
(edited by Pipinpadaloxic)
Thanks for an amazing turnout at the VNGD FORUM, Great suggestions, and feedback! Here are the notes of what was discussed for those that could not come:
- Overview of what Vanguard's Monthly Forum
- Welcome message from VLC
- Covering the state of 3.13
General State of the Patch:
- Mobiglass navigation via starmap is much improved.
- Bounties are spawning very slowly, sometimes waiting 5-10 mins for a spawn.
- Possible to kill bounty target "too fast" and not getting credit
- If you have lots of loaners of the same type, you get all of them instead of consolidating into a single ship.
- Trading could be better now; Frontier is looking to gather more data and spread it around.
- Quantanium mining hot spots seem to have changed; we have seen huge deposits on Daymar/moons, possibly more, industries will look for more.
- New mining components, if you lose the ship, the components are gone.
- Caves/sinkholes are cool. The caves seem to be basically the same cave for various missions. Could be other cave layouts elsewhere; needs scouting.
- PO is no longer an armistice zone, be cautious before setting your spawn here.
- Reputation system UI is in-game and looks/works pretty great.
- Constellation docking with merlin works pretty well. Definitely some bugs around it, but it's cool when it works.
Key Bugs/Workarounds:
- Friends list is wonky, it seems like it's maybe capped at displaying 50 friends, so if you have more, you can't see them. It's random who is shown and who is not. Annoying.
- Avoid ECN missions, they spawn enemy constellations, but the merlin in the belly is blue. So if you destroy it, you get crimestats, unfortunate.
- Can't reload torps/missiles anywhere, this isn't 100% for everyone in every ship, but it's widespread. Workaround is to land. Store ship manually equips missiles/torps (this sucks. Hopefully, they fix it).
- Oxygen in ships is wonky; your hud will tell you that you are about to run out of air while flying in some ships. Typically, you can ignore this as you don't actually die because even tho your suit says it’s out of the air, the cockpit has air. You can take your helmet off, and it will slowly recharge your suit.
- MFDs in ships can get into a busted state. Respawning to the ship normally fixes it (also really annoying)
- Quantum travel can show obstructed for everything; if you have a shipmate, send them to the back of the ship and try again (hilariously weird bug)
- FPS in caves can be wonky; hits don’t register, etc
- Mining UI is blurry/unreadable on some monitors, not sure how to workaround.
- If you have an Ultrawide or super ultrawide, you may not be able to see all of the chat. Workaround, hide chat and mobiglass chat
- 300 series customization are not displaying on ships
Questions and Answers
@≡\ · /≡ Lugel - alliances with other orgs The org alliances that have come up so far have not had agreeable terms… they just want us to do stuff for them, though we do have org vs. org ops for now
@-\ ∶ /- CrookedVertex - add Clock and temporary rooms to discord We will make a poll on the clock and maybe also consider adding in the next event and time to it. We will investigate and consider the temporary discord rooms.
*@-\ ∶ /- DooDart - Several suggestions:
Events: *Is there a goal number of total events per week? Is there an ideal time for EU/US time zones? Should there be a goal number of events per wing? i.e., 1 per week per wing. Obviously not restricted to the wing to attend but focused on that play loop and run/lead/organised by members of that wing. 2 events per month per wing goal… Sat/sun 7-8pm
Discord Clarity: Is there any way of making the Discord any easier to understand for new members? adjusting rank/role names? for example, Esdin is listed as a "Wing Commander," yet he does not command a wing. I just thought these rank names could be adjusted to help people know who to contact and how to escalate up the chain. Contact your CO if in doubt, and when you join a wing, a welcome overview is given, showing you the chain of command.
Are there any Discord Channels that could be moved/removed/renamed? Some channels don’t get used that much or are not needed by all members; if they need to be kept, maybe move them behind role access, so it keeps the list of channels cleaner. People are also often asking for more channels in discord, so balance to maintain, wing leaders can ask to remove their channels from their wing. We will remove streamer channels shortly as they are inactive.
Ship Owning: This is a bit random and odd, but I just thought it might be good to suggest to certain people who are in certain wings/roles in the org that they make sure they have backup ships for their role. For use in events and general gameplay. For example, a Security member running top cover gets destroyed and then can’t get back into the fight because they are waiting on a claim timer. Just throwing random ideas out there; by no means am I trying to say something is wrong. I just thought id try and turn my brain to something that might help. VNGD will never say to people they must have a ship, and VNGD will never ask people to buy any ship with real money – we have many more ships than people. We may work in-game to help get people towards a certain loadout, and wings may have preferred ships/load-outs, but this is not required.
@=\ ∶ /= Ira_Houdini changing the remit of 'Support Squadron' in Fleet to avoid the overlap with other wings. There is overlap between the wings, this particular overlap with of 'Support Squadron' requires @⟪✦✦✦⟫ x3nthos or @⟪★⟫ Quantum_Physicist to be present to discuss effectively, if people have specific questions a dedicated meeting to discuss this could be setup. Though to clarify, wings do not limit your gameplay; they just champion that activity, set certifications and SOPs for it, and have some priority for them in org level events - though operational command can and will override this... more to come on this with the up and coming OPS NIGHTS.
Monthly Forum
Notes Taken by TheAlexi posted on Discord (3/21/2021)
(edited by Pipinpadaloxic)
Thanks for so many people coming to the first Vanguard Monthly Forum
Just providing a summary of what was discussed below, several subjects were raised, so feel free to contact the relevant POC about them if you have some feedback on them :slight_smile:
2. Went over what the Vanguard's Monthly Forum is – a place to gather feedback/suggestions from all members on upcoming VNGD policy and events.
3. Quickly covered the recent VNGD announcements:
- Most were already summarised:
-TehHazy was banned from vanguard due to a long history of infringing on discord and Vanguard policy
-If you're interested in supporting onboarding, please reach out to take the onboarding certification.
4. @⟪✶✶⟫ ZZGooch gave an extensive overview of “Logistics Nights,” be sure to DM him with your feedback on this (see his detailed documentation on them here:
5. Intel group update from @⟪✦⟫ Hohh20
- The intel group would like to call upon ALL members of Vanguard to gather and submit any intel you come across to the Intel group. They want any and all Intel, whether it is from outside or inside the org. For now, we ask that you directly and privately message x3nthos or Hohh20 with the discovery, but in the future, we will have a submission system where you can upload the data. All submissions will, of course, be kept confidential. They would like to announce that we are searching for VNGD members to join us as Intel Agents. There is no rank or wing requirement to join. We only ask that you show us you are interested in taking an active role in finding and submitting intel, and then we may reach out to you with an invite.
6. @⟪★★⟫ Viking66A gave an initial overview of the Officers Academy [which is work in progress]:
- Consists of an officer training course, where wing leadership will select potential candidates, and a command committee will decide whether they can be approved to enter the training program.
- Officer training course will take 3-6 months; feedback will be given throughout the process.
- Decision on whether they are suitable or not will come at the end of the course; if they are suitable, they will enter an
officer pool (and wait for an available position)
- Just initial overview which is being fleshed out, Contact @⟪★★⟫ Viking66A for ideas or concerns relating to this…
7. VNGD Forum
- The VNGD Forum is open for questions by those that cannot attend; they can submit on the website forum, a post will be opened
a week before the next forum for any questions to be raised.
- Minutes will be provided for those that could not attend.
- @=\ · /= RandiRose discussed onboarding:
o While people are learning the process, they can start sending the initial greeting message to new arrivals
o, Be mindful of too many people in onboarding freaking the new guys out…
o Command will look into a way to give enlisted powers to approve onboardings on the website (depends on what privileges
that requires whether that will be possible).
8. Closing Words
- I just want to thank everyone for coming
Promotion Ceremony
Notes Taken by TheAlexi posted on Discord (3/04/2021)
(edited by Pipinpadaloxic)
So command members have been trying to enhance our communication, and to help with that, here is a quick summary of the promo announcements for those who could not attend.
(I did not keep a list of everything the Prime Warden said at the time so ping me if I missed something, and I will add it.)
- Clarification of our communications:
o Policy announcements will be made at the promo ceremony
o VLC quarterly meetings in-game
o Command bi-monthly meetings
o Monthly members forum meeting
- The no-drama policy will be enforced.
- Clarification from Quantum on how wings and certifications do not limit your gameplay in the SC.
- As well as promotions, demotions will happen when someone is inactive for long periods of time to allow new active and suitable members a chance in leading.
- TehHazy bathroom voice channel to be renamed, as no voice room will have members’ names on it.
- Clarification on Commissions is recommended by Wing Commanders and approved by the Prime Warden after a vote by the VLC.
- TasklessTuna became Commanding Officer of Medtech.
- Art1s became Commanding Officer of Frontier.
- Esdin became an honorary member of VLC.
- x3nthos and Hohh20 are in charge of Intelligence to counter meta gaming.