ROE Definitions
Lawful Systems
These locations are found in lawful systems and are intended by CIG to be PVP locations. The following are conflict zones:
Ghost Hollow
Drug Labs (Example: Jumptown)
Security Post Kareah
Comm Arrays
Salvage Yards (Example: Brio’s Breaker Yard)
We do not tolerate griefing as defined by CIG. Respect the spirit of the Prime Directive, and of the Rules of Engagement. This includes the following activities:
Stream sniping
pad ramming
firing into absolute armistice zones
utilizing various exploits to grief others
Reference: CIG Griefing Statement & CIG Rules of Conduct
Known Friendlies
A Known Friendly is any individual which you can freely assist and protect without violating organizational policy. Here are some examples:
Members of Vanguard
Members of an organization that is on Vanguard’s Friendly Organization List (TBD)
Individuals that are aligned with your PVE faction while conducting a Major CIG Sponsored PVE/PVP mission that have opposing factions. (Example: Blockade Runner, Xenothreat, etc)
Conflict Zones
High Traffic Zones
High Traffic Zones are areas where almost all players typically transit through for different purposes. They include:
Stations and Major Landing Zones
Jump Gates
Lawful System Trading Posts and Points of Interest (POIs)
Excludes Lawful System Conflict Zones
Piracy is not allowed in Vanguard. We do not steal assets, including cargo, goods, ships, components, or other items from non-hostile players.
However, player assets can be confiscated or salvaged in the following situations:
The player is considered hostile
The asset is abandoned
Note: For ships, you must verify either that it:
Has been claimed
Has not moved for more than 20 minutes and no one is onboard
Known Hostiles
A Known Hostile is any individual which you can freely engage without violating organizational policy. Here are some examples:
Members of organizations we are actively at war with
Players in a pirate or griefing organization; or identified as a pirate or griefer in VANITY.
Vanguard Members acting as an Opposition Force (OpFor) during approved events or training
Operational Targets
Players with a UEE Bounty
Players, and groups, currently engaging or have recently engaged any known friendly; any players on board of or exiting the ship are also considered hostile
Individuals that are transporting illegal commodities
Individuals that are opposed to your PVE faction while conducting a Major CIG Sponsored PVE/PVP mission that have opposing factions. (Example: Blockade Runner, Xenothreat, etc)
Vanguard generally follows UEE standards for legality of Commodities. Non org members transporting illegal commodities are considered known hostiles (see above). For clarity we consider the following Legal and Illegal goods, however Vanguard reserves the right to modify this list at anytime.
Same as UEE Defined Legal Items (Ex: Beryl, Laranite, Gold, Medical Supplies etc.)
Unlawful Systems
These locations are defined by CIG and offer high degrees of PVP FPS action. They include portions of the following locations:
Contested Zones (Example: Inside Checkmate, Obituary, Ruin Stations)
Asteroid Bases (Ex: PYAM-SUPVISR-3-4)
Drug Labs (Ex: Ashland and Fallow Field)
Extremely Valuable Mission Locations (Ex: Shepherd’s Rest)
Operating in the Vicinity of High Traffic Zones
Unless an exclusion zone has been declared at one of these locations, any ship warping or otherwise clearly transiting through these zones peacefully must be given the opportunity to pass safely.Their navigation paths should not be solely used to determine hostility. Only the Category 1 ROE can be used to determine hostility in these zones.
Should a Vanguardian wish to completely lock down a certain region in the ‘verse, an Exclusion Zone must be declared and announced in Global Chat and players must be given a reasonable amount of time to comply. (See Exclusions Zones for more info)
ROE Scope
Our Rules of Engagement cover the following Star Citizen environments:
Persistence Universe (PU)
Persistence Testing Universe (PTU)
Experimental Persistence Testing Universe (EPTU)
Note: It does not cover Arena Commander, Star Marine, or the Evocati Testing Server
High Traffic Zones
Conducting Combat Operations
Any ship is considered Conducting Combat Operations except in the following situations:
Using NAV Mode to fly away or clearly avoid a fight.
Industrial Activities (Salvaging, Mining, Hunting wildlife other than the Valakar (sandworm); or refueling and transport ships solely supporting these activities)
Loading and Transporting Legal Commodities (does not include weapons, combat vehicles, etc)
Participants in major community or CIG sponsored events (example: Daymar Rally, Dueling Tournaments, etc)
Individuals conducting Lawful PVE missions in Lawful Systems.
Note: Does not apply to Major CIG Sponsored PVE/PVP missions that have opposing factions. (Example: Blockade Runner, Xenothreat, etc)
Note: Consider using your scanner to help determine intent by identifying its cargo and amount of players onboard.
Lawful and Unlawful Systems
Vanguard categorizes each system to be either Lawful or Unlawful.
Lawful: Stanton
Unlawful: Pyro