Atlas serves as a critical logistic and support unit within Vanguard. Specializing in transport and deployment tasks that are essential for operations in Stanton, Pyro, and beyond. Known for its versatility, Atlas employs a diverse fleet to meet the needs of Vanguard's missions. This unit prides itself on not only delivering essential supplies and personnel but also providing support when necessary.
Atlas's primary mission is to ensure robust logistics and support capabilities for Vanguard. In times of conflict, the unit specializes in the deployment of cargo, vehicles, and personnel, playing a pivotal role in both solo and coordinated group operations within the First Fleet.
Core responsibilities
Atlas has several core responsibilities with in Vanguard, these responsibilities are meticulously organized to support its logistics mandate.
Atlas squadron
People - Coordinates the deployment of Vanguardians to a military and promotion events.
Ground Vehicles - Transports ground vehicles to Vanguard combat events across the verse, coordinating with other First Fleet units to ensure they receive the vehicles they require.
Combat Support - Atlas enhances every combat operation by delivering specialized ordnance and essential combat equipment to the front lines.
Atlas cargo team
Cargo Distribution
Quartermasters - The movers and shakers of Atlas are responsible for tracking supplies, equipment, and vehicles.
Load Masters - Oversees mechanized deployment readiness and prepares units with the training and knowledge to deliver any vehicle into any situation. All operations and readiness protocols require the sign-off of Unit Leadership to ensure compliance with Vanguard's high standards and operational security.
Forward Operating Depot Centers - Atlas maintains its own cargo centers to store surplus supplies and equipment.
Carrier Operations
First Fleet carrier support - Utilize large carrier ships to transport First Fleet space vehicle assets to and from events.